The Year In Review - Retrospective 2014
THEE 2014 RETROSPECTIVE... Ponderous man, really ponderous.
So many thoughts ran through my head as I looked back over an entire year of shopping, styling, shooting, and editing. I remember buying my first tripod and remote. Not knowing what to wear, what would photograph well, what would sum up my style - (and I still don't, some days). Being in front of the camera was unnerving those first times, but it's come to help me appreciate and accept my God given form - (although I do love to hide my aging eyes under sunglasses). I can't believe how my photography has grown and how much (I think) I'm learning about photo styling.
I'm proud of myself and what I've created, but my approach to blogging will be different in 2015. I will stop being hijacked by numbers. I will stop using this blog as personal validation. I will stop trying to please others. I will stop putting myself in a box. I will remember to be myself while striving for growth. I will reach out to others for help and support. I will continue this blog with renewed inspiration and passion!
This was my 2014 - click photos to view full posts.