Hi! I'm Heather Wyancko a life long collector, obsessor, and FORAGER of fashion.

This space is dedicated to showcasing my finds and personal style. A big believer that nothing is original and all ideas (including what to wear in the morning) come from a conscious and subconscious collective, I think of myself as a forager and why my blog is named FORAGE FASHION.

My style inspiration come from all parts of  life - my childhood roots in Colorado and the Rocky Mountains, my current home in the rolling hills of the Midwest, and my fondness for all coastlines and bodies of water. Neither a straight up city girl nor a country bumpkin, I adapt to and appreciate all my surroundings and experiences.  I hope the joy I have for clothing, style, and photography is contagious and I hope you find ideas worth 'foraging' while reading my pages.



Frequently Asked Questions

Who takes your pictures?   

The photos you see are self portraits taken with the help of a tripod and remote.  See more of my photography at Heather Wyancko Photography & Design.

What kind of camera/equipment do you use?   

I use a Nikon D5000 with a 50mm 1.8 lens, a cheap tripod, and a cordless remote. 

Can we work together?  

I love collaborating with like minded brands and bloggers. If you want to combine the best of what you do with the best of what I do, let's talk. I can be reached at heatherwyancko@gmail.com.