Primary Colors
You wouldn't believe how difficult it was finding something to wear with this bright yellow, silk, window-pane, patterned shirt - or, maybe you would? Needless to say, I'm not afraid of color - especially when it's well-made with such a gorgeous fabric.
This blouse is another thrift store find. It's definitely not your average retail for a 30-something woman (I have no doubt in its previous life it was some old lady's 'nice shirt' she'd wear for special occasions), but I think it's funky and I love its uniqueness. To me it's a shining example of allowing instinct (instead of 'lists' and 'rules') to guide style, and in this case, I think it works.
Silk Blouse: Thrifted Skirt: J Crew 'No. 2 Pencil Skirt' Necklace: J Crew 'Archipelago' (Purchased on Ebay) Shoes: Report Signature 'Murphy' (Available at Amazon) Sunglasses: Thrifted (Read the thrift-story behind my sunglasses HERE!)