Madewell Boots and a Big Striped Scarf
I think it was Marilyn Monroe that said if 'You give a girl the right pair of shoes, she can conquer the world'. For me, the right pair of shoes is a well made pair (or two) of Madewell booties. I splurged a little this past month and bought myself a couple: an indispensable black leather Chelsea boot with a bit of a heel, and an All American soft pebbled cognac pair, also with a bit of a heel. Rather than last a single season then be banished to back of my closet, these boots will get better with time.
And when I saw this chunky striped wool scarf at my thrift store, I snatched it up without a moment of hesitation. Big and bold, but less voluminous than my blanket scarfs; it's a nice option to have on standby.
Skirt Outfit ///// Skirt: Asos (Similar HERE) // Sweater: Gap 'Merino Turtleneck Sweater' // Jacket: J Crew (Old, Similar HERE) // Boots: Madewell 'Ames' // Purse: J Crew // Scarf: Thrifted (Similar HERE) // Sunglasses: Spitfire 'Coco' (Available at Asos) // Watch: Invicta // Pendant: Stella and Dot 'Rebel' // Earrings: J Crew
Denim Outfit ///// Jeans: Vintage Levis 501 (Purchased on Ebay) // Sweater: Gap 'Merino Turtleneck Sweater' // Jacket: Thrifted (Similar HERE) // Boots: Madewell 'Ollie' // Purse: Coach 'Classic City Bag' // Scarf: Thrifted (Similar HERE) // Sunglasses: Ray-Ban Classic Aviators // Watch: Invicta // Pendant: Stella and Dot 'Rebel'

Heather Wyancko