Black Skinny Jeans with Knee Rips
J Brand Skinny Jeans with Knee Rips

This week I've been contemplated the possibility of skinny jeans being phased out of current fashion. 'Done with skinnies' - the words echoed in my head and I realized just how ridiculous it sounded! They're not done! They're evolving! Although I have several versatile pairs on repeat in my closet, I think the coolest way to wear them right now is in inky black with two very tidy slits right at the knee. Basically, they're you're favorite jeans from last year proven by the rips and tears you wore in to them. It's even better if the bottom hems are cut off with nothing but frayed edges left behind. I can hear my father now: 'Pay good money for clothing that's falling apart!? What?!'

So make a pair instead! While wearing the jeans mark a straight 'cut line' where natural wear and tear would occur at the knee. (It helps to sit down and bend your knees.) Keep them on as you make a small cut at the center of the 'cut line'. Lengthen the cut slowly and methodically to desired length.

Jeans: J Brand (Thrifted) (Similar HEREHERE & HERE) // Cashmere Sweater: J Crew (Thrifted) (Similar HERE) // Jacket: Herve Bernard (Thrifted) (Similar HERE) // Scarf: Thrifted (Similar HERE) // Shoes: Schutz // Clutch: J Crew 'Edie Grande' // Midi Ring: Capwell & Co. 'Gold Caged Triangle Knuckle Ring' // Single Chevron Rings: Forever 21 (Similar HERE) // Watch: Invicta // Sunglasses: Spitfire 'Coco' (Available at Asos, and ON SALE!)

J Crew Style, Fall/Winter 14/15
J Brand Black Skinny Jeans with Knee Rips
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J Crew Style
J Crew Style Fall Winter 2014
J Brand Black Skinny Jeans with Knee Rips
Black Skinny Jeans with Knee Rips